Camping is incredibly popular here in the United States for a number of reasons. For one thing, it’s a great way to spend time with people without so many of the distractions of the modern world. Taking a camping trip with your family members can be an amazing way to reconnect and bond more deeply than ever before. Of course, as up to 70% of all trips taken in the United States are taken with friends, many people will decide to take a camping trip with their close friends as well – and even those who aren’t so close can find new similarities or at least new respect for each other’s differences.
When you go camping, you’ll first need to make sure that you have the right equipment, not only for comfort but for the purposes of safety as well. In general, the market for camping supplies is a thriving one, with more than $1.5 billion worth of the stuff sold every year here in the United States. Of course, you’ll want a tent (or some place to sleep in, such as an RV) as well as food and cooking utensils. You’ll also likely need sleeping bags and warm clothes as well as the proper sunscreens (if you’re going camping during the summer months).
Speciality gear might also be required depending on the activities you’re planning on participating in over the course of your trip. For instance, if you’re interested in bouldering, you’ll need the right climbing gear. Hiking will require the right footwear and the right type of backpack to accommodate everything you’ll need to bring along with you for the duration of the hike. Paddle boarding gear or fishing gear might also be necessary, depending on your proximity to various bodies of water in the area.
Fortunately, most of these supplies can be found at your local sporting goods store. This type of store is likely to carry everything from the ideal clothing for outdoor adventuring (from bouldering to hiking to simply fishing) to the tools you need to complete those activities in a safe and mindful way. While the best of these supplies are likely to be quite expensive, they’ll be more than worth it if you decide to go camping on a regular basis. In fact, they’ll even be completely worth it if they can keep you safe and healthy even on just one camping venture.
Of course, you’ll also need to consider the place that you camp at. For the majority of people who go camping over the course of a year – up to 67% of them, if not even more than that – camping at a public campground is ideal. Of course, this is not necessarily required, but it can make your camping experience far better than it would otherwise be. The ideal camping ground will provide you with hookups to water and even restrooms, but will still allow you to feel like you are more immersed in nature than you typically are in your day to day life. Such a camping ground can be ideal for those who are camping with children, as camping with children – especially if they are young – can come with a number of considerations that are not usually present when you go camping with only adults.
No matter where you go camping, there are many ways you can enjoy nature. Bouldering, for example, is a great way to get a workout and enjoy nature at the same time. Bouldering is very difficult, employing a number of different rock climbing techniques. However, bouldering successfully can be hugely rewarding, though it is important to go bouldering only in the company of others, when you can be assured that your bouldering experience will be one that is as safe as is possible, given the nature of the activity.
In addition to bouldering, paddle boarding for beginners is also offered at many campsite. Paddle boarding is a great family activity for families with older children, allowing for teamwork and sportsmanship to shine through. If an instructor is around and available, you might even learn some essential paddle boarding tips throughout your trip.