It would appear that this winter you have skipped right past the mildly cooler weather and landed in the middle of winter. After three snowy Sundays in a row, the ground is covered in the fluffy white stuff, the temperatures are below freezing every morning, and the mad scramble for soft crochet beanies and mittens has started. Who would have thought that knit beanies and other kinds of cooler weather wear would be so popular again that you would be battling your daughters for what to wear?
As the nation prepared to watch and listen to the funeral of the late President Bush, the family of 41 braced itself for a sad and cold day. The entire nation, it appears, was preparing for the cold. The weather people, in fact, predicted that the greater majority of the states in the nation would have temperatures below freezing.
Finding the Right Warm Weather Wear Is Now a Fashion Quest for Many
If you have a house full of daughters it may come as no surprise that 60% of women struggle to find a cute new look on a daily basis. Once cooler weather arrives, that percentage might climb even higher. After your daughters get their outfits together, they then have to make a plan for their coat and other cold weather accessories. As more and more companies design warm hats with faux fur poms and messy bun beanies, in fact, there are some days when your daughters may actually plan the rest of their outfits around the hat and glove sets that they want to wear.
The latest estimates indicate that the average woman who has a life expectancy of 80 years of age will spend approximately $125,000 in her lifetime on accessories and clothing. When winter arrives and you have to wade your way through a cluttered entry way and messy bedroom, however, you might feel like you are walking through an even larger amount of clothing items.
Even if the cold weather has not arrived in your area yet, it is important to make sure that you are ready. Old Man Winter does not typically make a quiet and slow entrance. Instead, winter often comes roaring in. Will you be ready?