Camo here, camo there, camo clothes everywhere! If you think you’re seeing more camouflage clothes and accessories lately, you are. It seems just about everyone from celebrities to urban fashionistas to country folk are going camo clad, and there’s a reason for it. Simple put, camouflage clothing is in and here to stay.
But how did camo become so popular? During World War II, the French army commissioned two artists — referred to as camofleurs — to create a pattern that would help conceal their troops, gear, and military vehicles from enemy forces. The combination of green, black, and tan shades that has become so familiar and is still used today, was wildly successful, so much so that other military forces around the globe adopted the pattern as well.
From there, camo infiltrated the civilian fashion scene during the late 1960s and early 1970s when returning Vietnam veterans joined war activists by protesting while donning their army camo clothes and fatigues. This created a powerful statement, which in turn, inspired camouflage hunting clothes. In fact, the first pattern designed for camouflage hunting clothes was created with a magic marker!
The military has long influenced the fashion scene by inspiring designers to create styles based off not only camouflage, but other forms of military dress such as jump suits, pea coats, hats, satchels, and combat boots. While it’s common for fashion trends to quickly come and go, military-inspired dress has continued to remain en vogue decade after decade, with no signs of going out of style.
Why? Much of camo’s popularity in the fashion world has to do with its versatility and unisex appeal. While other patterns such as florals, animal prints, and paisley for example are commonly associated with one gender, camo has widespread appeal. In addition, it is incredibly easy to style, allowing its wearers to create a unique look that’s all their own.