During the COVID-19 pandemic, several of our usual escapes and comforts were closed down. In order to relax and get back to a little bit of normal life, thousands of women invested in their own DIY day spas. These days involve more than just a simple bubble bath, and more often than not require a bit of preparation.
DIY day spas are now becoming a preferred method of relaxation, since they are budget-friendly and you don’t even need to leave your home! This video provides one of many examples on how to turn your bathroom into a luxury day spa.
Unwinding every now and then is essential to being able to bring your all to work or school. One of the first things to do when preparing for a spa day is cancelling all your plans. Schedule a big chunk of you time, and put on some of your favorite music to get in the relaxing mood. Freshen up, paint your nails, and light some candles. Pairing a candle’s scent with some flowers in your tub makes for a delightful and soothing bubble bath. Finally, do your usual skin routine plus a few pampering extras. Do your eyebrows, add extra moisturizer, and incorporate a luxurious face mask.