Who knew that the decision to donate clothing would have been the motivation that your college aged daughter would need to finally clear out the closets and the drawers in the dorm room. The fact that she has not come home from school in since the summer after her freshman year means that she has really enjoyed her time on campus. The fact that every year she has upgraded to a larger dorm space means that she has accumulated many things.
From sorority and gymnastics tshirts to heels in nearly every color, her space is pretty full. An afternoon sorting clothes at one of the local shelters in town with her sorority members, your daughter realized that the clothes that she had in her room that she was never wearing could serve a much better purpose. Fortunately, clothing donation locations are fairly common in town, so your daughter was able to find a place to where she felt her clothes would be put to the best use.
The Decision to Donate Clothing to Organizations That Help Military Families Is a Decision That Helps Our Country
Many of us, even those students who are in cramped dorm rooms, get in the habit of acquiring so much that they cannot possibly make use of the all of the things that they have. Consider some of these facts and figures about the charitable giving industry and the impact that it has not only on the nation’s economy, but the need of some of the most needy individuals:
- 80% of donated clothing in the U.S. is used by charitable organizations for donation to the needy, as well as for the funding.
- Unfortunately, 12 million tons of clothing and textile waste is thrown out in America every year.
- Although only about 30% is actually recycled, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) estimates that 75% of solid waste is recyclable.
- America could save about 25 million trees each year if every American recycled just 10% of their newspapers.
- Who should I call after a car accident? 911? My insurance company? An attorney?
There are many reasons that people make the decision to donate clothing. From lack of space to finding an organization that you know makes an impact, the decision to donate clothing, household items, or money can help you be the change that we need to see in the world.