There is a weird sort of jealousy that occurs when you see a group of people wearing matching themed shirts, isn’t there? Even if the shirts are neon green and obnoxiously proclaim that it’s “The Smith’s 14th Annual Family Reunion,” you still feel a weird tinge of jealousy as you hop on the roller coaster behind seven of them, all matching and having a great time.
The awesome thing — which you may not know — is that it’s actually pretty easy to create your own customized T shirts. Some people go with custom embroidering because it looks more “classy,” but with a little planning, custom screen printed shirts can actually be very appealing (rather than cheesy). When you use an online shirt design program, there are tons of different slogans, fonts, and pictures already loaded into the system — or you can upload your own design and let your imagination run wild. An online shirt design program allows you to play around with word choice and placement so that you can compare different styles and layouts instantly; and if you have a particularly picky group, you have the option of creating multiple custom T shirt designs and letting everyone vote on their favorite.
And the best part about ordering custom shirts from a custom screen printing company is that they’re affordable enough to order shirts for every single event and group you’re in. Church group? Check. Family vacation? Always. High school jazz band? Wouldn’t be complete without an awesome shirt (you’re proud of your trumpet playing, so why not let the whole world know it?).
Pictures may be worth a thousand words, but the flood of great memories that comes whenever you throw on your old family reunion shirt… well, that’s impossible to measure. For more about this, go here.