Sea glass is beautiful and can be used for all kinds of projects including making picture frames, home decor, and handmade jewelry. Sea glass is actually old bottles, jars and glass that find their way into the ocean. After continued tumbling from the waves and currents, these sharp pieces of glass tumble to make rounded, smoother pieces that we can pick up on the shore. They come in a variety of colors and shapes, some much more rare than the others. In fact, the rarest colors of sea glass are orange, turquoise, red, yellow, black, teal, and gray. The most common are white and brown.
If you’re wondering where to find sea glass, it can be a really fun and enjoyable experience! Sea glass is beautiful and collecting it can be exciting. Here are some of the best beaches to find your own sea glass.
Fort Bragg Sea Glass Beach, CA
This beach is FULL of sea glass, and though it might not be the best for swimming, it is definitely on the top of every sea glass collector’s bucket list. The colors and shapes you will find here are perfect for those looking to make a sea glass pendant, sea glass charm, or even sea glass earrings. The colors range from green to amber to white, and you might even find some rare colors hidden on this beach!
Kauai Sea Glass Beach, Hawaii
Visitors collect sea glass by the bottle-full, so you might have to compete a bit here, but there is a ton of it. You can look through all different colors and shapes, and there’s no better place than in Hawaii! If you’re trying to find out where to find sea glass, ask locals what part of the beach they have had the most luck. Glass beaches are beautiful, and not only will you find your own sea glass, but you’ll get to take some amazing pictures that will look totally magical!
Old San Juan, Puerto Rico
That’s right, not all glass beaches are in the U.S.! There is some of the most beautiful sea glass in Puerto Rico. If you happen to find yourself vacationing down here, you might want to think about heading to this glass beach where you can walk away with many different colors of sea glass to come back and make beautiful sea glass jewelry with!
If you’re wondering where to find sea glass, you would be surprised which areas have the most of it! California, Hawaii, and Puerto Rico are just three of the best (but of many beaches!).
Where do you find your sea glass? What kind of jewelry do you make with it? Let us know in the comments below!