With the high quality of smart phone pictures these days, few people bother anymore with professional photo services, color correction services, or photography editing services. But there is still a lot of value in making sure that your photos look more than slightly good.
Images have a lot of impact on how people perceive something. The cleanness and high quality grade of a photograph can actually changed outcomes. Consider for example, that professional photographs were twice as likely as user-generated photographs to be shared, according to rating given by people in a study. With social media and e-mail being a major driving force for consumers, this is no small deal. Online advertising is a $149 billion annual trade, meaning that the stakes are pretty high. Anything you can do to boost your standing is worth it.
The brightness and contrast, not to mention the quality, or photos can make them look crisp or dull, professional or unprofessional. With color correction services, your photos will remain true to the real thing, while at the same time really dazzling the viewer.
Lighting affects the way everyone views images, whether they realize it or not. A professional photo editing service can actually affect the psychology behind the way people process images and information. Not to mention, when everything is clearer, people are more likely to make informed decisions.
It seems like a shame to discard a perfect picture just because of one small blemish or flaw. That is why it is important to make a picture flawless, so no one’s eyes are drawn to imperfections, thus altering their perceptions.
There is much data that proves that high photo quality content can affect sales — for homes listed between $200,000 to $1 million, Redfin found that homes with listing photos taken with DSLR cameras sell for $3,400 to $11,200 more relative to their listing prices.
Indeed, it may come as a surprise that presentation matters so much, but why not get ahead in the digital age by using some of its own technology to help you stand out from your competitors and get ahead.