2 Things You Knew About Botox and 2 Things You Didn’t

Many of us are aware of some of Botox injections’ more prominent benefits, such as relaxing areas of the face in order to smooth the appearance of wrinkles. However, there are some more surprising benefits that these injections can have. Today, we’ll be discussing two things you may know about Botox and two things you may not. Before we begin, a quick primer on what Botox is. Botox is a neurotoxin produced by the bacteria Clostridium botulinum, which, while deadly if ingested, has many uses in the medical and cosmetic realm. It works by attaching itself to nerve endings, which block the neurotransmitter responsible for triggering muscle contractions at the injection sight.

We know you know…Botox treatment for wrinkles

Botox as a treatment for wrinkles such as frown lines, smoker’s lines, and crows feet. Injectables are placed at the sight by experienced doctors in order to relax the muscles responsible for creating dynamic wrinkles. Frown lines and worry lines are the most commonly treated, and treatments tend to last 3-6 months. Some doctors may recommend smaller doses more frequently in order to maintain the most natural looking appearance possible, avoiding the “frozen face” that many people who are concerned about Botox discuss.

But did you know…it also works for sweating?

In addition to helping smooth the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, Botox has also been used to treat excessive sweating. While moderate cases of severe sweating are typically treated with prescription deodorants, advanced cases can be treated with Botox injections. More than 20 countries have approved this method of treatment for hyperhidrosis, and is safe and effective at providing relief from excessive underarm sweat for several months at a time.

We know you know…Botox works for migraines

Using botox along frown lines, worry lines, and in the neck is one of the first alternate medical uses for Botox that people hear of. While the exact way that Botox treats migraines is unknown, many medical experts believe that it blocks neurotransmitters from sending the pain signal to the brain, as well as relaxing the muscles that can increase tension and make it worse. Botox for migraines is prescribed when people experience migraines more than 15 days per month, and when those chronic headaches interfere with daily activities in a substantial way. People who receive this treatment report experiencing up to 50% fewer migraines per month, allowing them to live fuller lives pain free.

But did you know…it can also be used for incontinence?

For women who suffer incontinence as the result of an overactive bladder, Botox fared better than a nerve implant in a head-to-head comparison in 2016. In this case, the toxin is injected into the bladder, and can provide relief for up to six months. It works by relaxing the nerves that send signals to the brain suggesting the urgent need to urinate. For people who have tried other therapies and haven’t found relief from urgency incontinence, Botox treatments decreased instances of urgency in a day by four to the implant’s three.

The uses for Botox, both surprising and unsurprising, are vast. Whether you’re looking for Botox injections for aesthetic reasons or medical ones, contact your local med spa and schedule a consultation to see which options may be available to you.

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