The new year is upon us. It’s time for a new hair color!
Wait. Hold up. Which hair color should you even choose? It seems every other month a new trend is making waves (sometimes literally) and it’s all you can do to get together a game plan before the next bandwagon rolls by. Instead of tearing your hair out over missed opportunities, give the list below a glance to get some ideas simmering. From traditional brunette hues to a classy rose gold, there’s a new hair color with your name on it!
A Classic Brunette For Any Occasion
When in doubt, go for the classics. Dark brown is a common hair color, but that doesn’t make it any less special! A new hair color doesn’t have to be over-the-top and extravagant, particularly for those that don’t visit the salon much and still need to keep their part-time job. Dark brown has been found to be the main squeeze for over 55% of women getting a new hair color. When women will have an average of 104 different hairstyles throughout the course of their lifetime, it truly pays to be true to yourself. What else can a nice fancy hairstyle do to level up your life?
Go For The Gold With Rose Gold
Perhaps the first tip isn’t at all for you. “Go hard or go home. I want something that will really bring out my personality!” Rose gold is a brilliant new trend that picked up speed last year and is showing no signs of slowing down. Rather than go for a straight platinum blonde or a faux-natural redhead, combine them together for an entirely new look that will turn heads everywhere you go. It’s been found nearly one-third of women will change their hairstyle or dye their hair after a break-up or divorce. What better way to remind yourself of your natural worth than with a little bit of gold?
Meet Them Halfway With Ombre
Uh-oh! You’re torn between both worlds. Do you want to go lighter or darker? Grab life by the horns and demand what you deserve — ombre is a popular style that’s remain fairly steady these past few years, just unique to stand out and just simple enough not to go overboard. If you think this is just a little bit too much psychology for awesome womens hairstyles, think again. An illuminating study revealed nearly 40% of women say a hairstyle change can make them feel more confident and secure about themselves.
Make Them Blush With Strawberry Blonde
Let’s bring it right back around with another classic look that will make you look sweet even when you’re feeling sour. Strawberry blonde is cute and sporty, a good touch-up for natural blondes and a departure from the norm for brunette and raven-haired beauties. Keep in mind that lightening your hair drastically from its core color will require a little more upkeep than normal, but it’s nothing that can’t be handled without a solid deep-conditioning routine and a conservative approach to blow-drying.
Mix Your New Hair Color With A New Hairstyle
If you’re feeling some of these new colors, consider pairing them alongside a new hairstyle. Around 70% of women say they feel much more attractive after having their hair colored, with a recent survey finding the average woman will layer and color her hair twice per year. Long hairstyles for women have remained very popular in the West and lend themselves to plenty of lovely arrangements, but they can be circumvented by those who want a more hands-off approach to their fashion. Short hair, such as pixie cuts and fly-away curls, are popping up throughout Hollywood and may just be what you’re looking for in a new start.
Take good care of your hair and it’ll take good care of you. What color will you choose this year?