The field of construction is a dangerous one. Slips and falls can lead to major injuries, hearing loss is common due to loud equipment and illness is easily spread due to constant exposure with other workers, outside environments and various chemicals. As a result your business needs to constantly be up-to-date on the latest technology and safety protocols to keep both workers and customers safe from harm. What this entails changes every year, with organizations like OSHA always looking for better and smarter ways to stave off harm and encourage peace of mind.
What The Average Person Faces
When work is dangerous, a business needs to step up to the plate and reduce day-to-day risks. Studies from the Institute For Work And Health in Canada found a new employee in their very first month at work has more than three times the risk for a lost-time injury than workers who have been around longer. Almost one third of nonfatal work injuries just a few years prior that required time away were suffered by employees with less than a year of service. Keep these statistics in mind when investing in a set of of high visibility rain jackets and black safety vests.
Injury And Illness Hazards
The average construction worker faces a numerous amount of hazards every day. From minor injuries like shallow burns and cuts to more significant injuries like broken bones can all be easily prevented through the use of proper equipment. High visibility rain jackets are both shielded from the cold and easily identifiable in a foggy or dark environment. Additional breathable reflective rain gear and cotton safety shirts will help immensely with reducing sick days and easily avoidable crashes.
Sick Days And Consequences
Businesses work around the clock to provide proper equipment and preventative measures for their employees, as sick days hurt everyone along the ladder and have noticeable long-term consequences for future success. The year 2014 saw 16 year-olds to 19 year-olds missing four days of work on average after a workplace injury, with data from the Bureau Of Labor Statistics showing workers over the age of 65 experienced 94 injuries and illnesses per 10,000 employees.
Hearing Loss And Prevention
Did you know an estimated one out of three people suffer from hearing loss? Hearing loss can be contributed by many factors, from illness during pregnancy to hereditary reasons. Construction workers are routinely exposed to very loud noises through construction equipment and can experience an increased onset of hearing loss if they aren’t adequately equipped — one of the most common side-effects of encroaching hearing loss is tinnitus, thought to affect nearly 30 million Americans. Permanent hearing loss can be caused by sounds louder than 85 decibels.Earplugs can reduce noise by 15 to 30 decibels.
Keeping Your Workers Healthy, Safe And Secure
From high visibility rain jackets to proper shoe fittings, there is no expense too great to keep your workers healthy and fit. While the average person may walk around 10,000 steps per day, a construction worker may walk up to 30,000 — this makes proper footwear imperative to prevent sprains, broken bones or soreness. A high visibility rain jacket with additional features like reflective tape can make identification easier. Last, but not least, proper earplugs can significantly reduce the onset of tinnitus, hearing loss and various audio disorders. Keep your workers safe by investing in the proper equipment. Your employees, customers and bottom line will all thank you for it.