People, around the planet, enjoy going to the spa for a variety of treatments. Worldwide, the market for spa treatments and wellness services was worth an estimated $3.4 trillion in 2013. Between 2013 and 2015, the market for spa treatments went from about $94 billion to $98.6 billion. In North America alone, the spa industry brought in profits of about $18.3. At least 88% of the North American spa market is in the United States. If you have or plan to open a spa, you know getting people in the door is about more than just getting the right esthetician equipment. Now you want the right professional spa equipment but you need to do more to get the word out about your business.
- Have a great website. if you have a business and do not have a website, you are missing out on a lot of business. Your esthetician equipment can be the best and you can go to the best massage spa equipment company but if you do not have a website, you are going to lose business. You need to create a website that loads quickly and looks great on mobile devices. More than half of all internet users access the web from a mobile device. When people are out and about and looking for a place to get a massage or have dinner, they whip out their smart phone and search. If your site does not come up or looks terrible when it does, you will lose those customers. You also need really good and useful content. Make your site useful to your visitors and they will return often and recommend it to their friends.
- Use local keywords. More and more people are using the Google feature “near me.” You should make sure your business is listed correctly with Google. You also need to include local keywords in your web design. If you are marketing to people in your area, you need your city to be a part of the keywords that you use. Google makes it pretty easy to make sure they have the right information for your business, you just need to take the time to follow their steps. The best esthetician equipment will look like a waste if you cannot get people to come in your door.
- Use a Groupon. If you are a new spa business or have been around a very long time, you can benefit from working with Groupon to offer special deals and offers to people in your area. People love to get a good deal but more than that, when people get the emails from Google, when you offer a deal, your business will be a part of that email. People who had never heard of you will learn about you and the services you offer.
- Consider working with “Gift Certificates Near Me.” This is a new app that lets people see deals in their area. If you offer even the smallest deal, such as $1 off, your business will pop up in the app when people look for “deals near me.” This is a new and fun way to get people talking about your business.
- Use your social media channels. Give people a certain amount off if they like you on Facebook or follow you on Twitter. Google now indexes social media posts so when you use your keywords and keyword phrases in your social media posts, they will pop up when people search for those terms. You can also interact and offer deals to the people who interact with your brand on these channels.
There are studies that have been done on what people spend money on in the United States. Even during a recession, women will spend money on certain items such as quality cosmetics. The theory is that, even when they have to cut back on big ticket items, people do still do things that make them feel good about themselves. Getting spa treatments and buying products to make people feel better about how they look are always expenses they are willing to have. From having a good reputation to using the right esthetician equipment, you can develop a spa business that can be successful.