In the 1930’s, the optical firm Bausch and Lomb was commissioned by the Army Air Corps to produce an effective spectacle that could help protect pilots from the dangers of the glare they experienced at high altitudes. Physicists at the company worked to perfect a dark green tint that was able to absorb light from the yellow band of the spectrum. Today, even more advanced polarized lenses have the ability to prevent any light that is harmful to the eye from getting through. So even though consumers might not care about the science behind how polarized lenses filter UV rays, they will almost all agree that, when it comes to seeing clearly, replacing scratched sunglass lenses can be a good alternative to buying a whole new pair.
Singer Elton John is known to have the largest personal collection of sunglasses with over 1,000 pairs. Since his style is certainly hard to replicate, both because of how outlandish it can be and the fact that sunglasses are not cheap, investing in sunglass lens replacements might be a good alternative if you want several different options. It might not be as fun to have a bunch of sunglass replacement lenses in your closet as it would be to have hundreds of different styles and colors, but they can allow some flexibility both in terms of the weather and your individual look.
Today, if you need to spend some time and money replacing scratched sunglass lenses, you might be doing so for a pair that looks nothing like earlier models. For instance, in 2005, Oakley developed Razrwire, which were sunglasses that had a built-in wireless cellphone headset. Between that and the number of other unique Oakley models, finding specific Oakley lens replacements is a must when you get a scratch or lose one.
In part because of how cool they look with the right outfit, many people forget the health benefits of sunglasses. Actually, around 20% of people actually do not think they are necessary for health reasons at all. But protecting your eyes from harmful sun rays has several different health benefits. So investing in replacing scratched sunglass lenses to make sure they are working properly is good for more than just standing out in a crowd.
Because choosing the right pair of sunglasses is not always easy, especially if you are a picky shopper and plan on wearing them regularly, then a scratched or damaged lens is no reason to replace them. Picking up replacements will allow you to get a fully-functioning pair of glasses without having to go through the hassle of shopping for them all over again. Helpful links: www.thesunglassfix.com