Who would have thought a company named after a love of the bard would be responsible for painting the lips of women all over the world? Owing its namesake to shakespeares beloved home in his native england avon has grown into a brand name ubiquitous with cosmetics and beauty. Avon has quite a long history and for more than 130 years avon products have been gracing the bathroom shelves and flawless faces of women (and more recently the faces of men) across the country and now around the world.
Headquartered in new york state avon was originally called the california perfume company. Its nationwide presence rapidly increased and its first representative mrs. albee of new hampshire (who was 50 years old at the time) began selling avon products and perfumes in 1886.
Well avons business reach has certainly increased over the years and its presence is felt in every corner of the globe including beauty supply stores in georgia. Around the world there are 240 avon products lipsticks sold every minute and avon atlanta is surely responsible for a few of these sales as well. But avon products are not just relegated to lipsticks and perfumes. The line of avon products has increased over the years to more than just lipsticks and perfumes. Cosmetics sold in beauty supply stores in decatur ga carry avon products to suit any beauty preference or skin need. Cosmetics that are sold in avon atlanta run the gamut such as blush mascara skin cream and even nail polish.
Beauty products and jewelry sales have always been hot ticket items. They accounted for almost 20 percent of all u.s. direct sales in 2010. And avon products have come a long way toward staking their claim in this beauty product market. What began as a perfume sale in rural new hampshire has grown into an empire that sells 4 lipsticks every second around the world.
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