Five Awesome Gift Ideas That Sports Lovers Actually Want

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It’s that time of year again! Coffee shops are service the pumpkin spiced stuff. The air is nippier. Retail shops are beefing up their staff for the busy season. Christmas is right at our finger tips. This means that Christmas gift shopping is right at our finger tips!

If your Christmas list has sports-minded people and that’s not your thing, you might be scratching your head and thinking what in the world do I get for the person who only loves moving their muscles? Don’t worry, if we just described you, we put together a comprehensive shopping guide for sports-fanatic in your life:

Five Things Every Sporty Person Wants for Christmas

  1. Cross country skis
    Cross country skis are a great gift that every outdoorsy person will love, yet won’t break the bank for you. One benefit to gifting a loved one with cross country skis is that there is such a versatile range of choices. When you’re shopping for cross country skis, you have the chance to personalize them, to match their needs and wants, really showing your physically-active loved one that you’re listening when they drone on and on (whether or not you are.) For example, if your loved one likes going down well-groomed trails, they would be touched if you bought them touring skis. If they are more of the pave-their-own-train type, you would really touch their heart with a pair of metal edge skis.

    If this is the ideal gift for your loved one, stop by a cross country ski equipment store, and let the assistant set you up with the ski gear that will make their Christmas.

  2. Rock climbing gear

    Almost every outdoor enthusiast enjoys a good rock climbing sesh. The benefit of buying your physically fit loved one rock climbing gear is that there is so much equipment that they need and want, you’ll be set for Christmases to come.

    This Christmas you could get them a nice harness. Next year, replace their rock climbing shoes. The following Christmas, invest in a good rope or two. Over the years, you might find that rock climbing is something you love as well! It’s the gift that keeps giving.

  3. Camping supplies
    For a hobby that relishes in being apart for the hand of man, the art of camping is surprisingly equipment-intensive. There is a science to picking the right ice cooler for a camping trip. And that’s just the beginning. You could gift your camping loved one with a sleeping back (note: a legit sleeping back is not a small investment), a tent (note: a legit tent is not a small investment), camping lights, meal prep equipment, and so on. There are even fancy socks specifically designed for camping.
  4. Water equipment

    If your loved one enjoys God’s green creation, you can’t go wrong with water equipment. Consider a kayak so they can take a leisurely tour down the river. Or white water rafting equipment, for a not-so leisurely stroll down the river.

    If fishing is there thing, there is no less than thousands of fishing equipment ideas that every fishing enthusiast would love to call their own. Perhaps sailing is a dream that they’ve always had; you could arrange a day at sea for them. Some of the best gifts are experiences, rather than gifts at all.

  5. Sports equipment
    Don’t miss the trees for the forest. You could get your active loved-one an extravagant outdoorsy thing, but maybe the true desires of their heart is far simpler. Maybe they just want a new tennis racket. Some good biking gloves. A new pair of hiking boots. In many cases, a simple gift that they’ll use often is better than an extravagant gift that they’ll have less opportunity to get use out of.

You don’t have to be an active person yourself to give an awesome gift to an active person. The trick to finding the best gift is using your eyes and intellect to pick up on the hints, and then putting your intel in the hands of an experienced associate at a sporting goods supply store. Or, if you aren’t stressed about surprises, just ask them what they want for Christmas. Of, give them a gift card. Yeah, do that.

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