Red hair has been traditionally linked to hot tempers, peculiarity, lying, and above average sexuality. Whether or not these statements are actually true, one thing remains the same: Redheads are often striking, and can possess multiple features that draw the eye. Because of an unusual combination of features, some naturally redheaded women may have trouble finding fashion implements that help them to bring out their best features while not clashing with their eye catching hair and eyebrow color. One of the biggest concerns is finding redhead makeup, or makeup that will complement the features of natural redheads. However, there are multiple resources you can use to find complementary redhead makeup, including lipstick for redheads and mascara for redheads. Some of the biggest beauty related resources are available online for your reference.
The gene that is responsible for red hair is recessive. As such, it requires both the mother and the father of a natural redhead to carry a copy of this gene. However, it has been reported that forty percent of the population within Scotland carry the redhead gene. This makes it the country with the highest amount of natural redheads in the world. As such, if you are checking out options for redhead makeup, you may be of Scottish or other European descent. Another trait of individuals from this area includes fair skin or freckles, so you will likely want to ensure that your choice for redhead makeup does not clash with your skin tone or make your skin tone appear inconsistent. You can easily find suggestions for redhead makeup by checking out the official websites for some of the most well known fashion magazines or beauty resources. These types of resources cater to women of all nationalities and of all skin and hair color types. As such, you can easily find suggestions for redhead makeup, including the best shades of eye shadow, the most flattering lipstick shades, and the types of eye liners that will make your features pop.
It has been reported that redheads have a lower tolerance when it comes to heat related pain, and that naturally redheaded women report that they bruise more easily than women with other natural hair colors. As such, you may want to check out redhead makeup that can help you to cover up any unsightly bruises while also complementing all of your features throughout each season.
Helpful research also found here.